The Story of Manuka Honey

Have you ever read the back of a skincare product label? Do you see words you can barely read, let alone pronounce? Yeah, we do too. That is one of the reasons we strive to use natural resources for many of our products. Not only are they better for the skin and your health, but they are just as effective as some of the harsh chemicals included in other skincare products.
One of the main resources we have begun using in one of our skincare product lines has been Manuka honey. This honey has been around for a while but is certainly a new addition to the skincare line. It all started in 1839 when a missionary, Mary Bumby, arrived in New Zealand. Upon her arrival she was introduced to honeybees because she was given an apiary near many Manuka trees. It is very probable that the first Manuka honey originated in that spot.
New Zealand is very diverse in nature. Communities soon realized that honeybees were spread throughout the forests. The Maori people are an indigenous tribe that developed how to farm this unique honey and use it in many diverse ways. To this day, many Maori entrepreneurs have remained beekeepers, selling honey and using it in diverse ways.
We offer a cream made with Manuka honey that is infused with powerful ingredients that work wonders for refreshed hydrated-looking skin. This honey is known for its properties that soothe the skin and draws moisture to the surface which helps in hydrating the skin. While this may seem like a typical product, this honey actually contains one hundred times more beneficial skincare components than regular honey, making it particularly beneficial to use on the skin.
The Deluvia Manuka Honey Cream contains enzymes, antioxidants, as well as fatty acids that allows the skin to stay hydrated throughout the day. This cream also helps the skin achieve a look that is firm and fresh, hydrating it and locking in that moisture. This cream is also great for people of all skin types. Manuka honey is gentle and allows the skin to be moisturized without causing any additional issues. Infused with beneficial minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, this skincare cream is one of the best on the market!